Archive | June 2012

Starting Electrolysis

On Saturday, June 9th, I began electrolysis. It’s an interesting procedure and though the pain in the cheeks isn’t bad, I’ve heard that the pain around the lips can be intense. I’ve started researching possible ways to counter this and my gender therapist recommended that I consider numbing gels and creams used by tattoo artists. These are not prescription but do a pretty good job of numbing the affected area for up to four hours. So I will be looking into those.

Also, the feel of the skin in the areas where the facial hair is being removed is amazing. It’s not all completely clear yet, of course, but it’s so much smoother and softer without those thick heavy facial hairs poking out. I can’t wait for most of the lip and chin area to be cleared!

I’ve done two sessions so far and they’ve been tolerable. I know I have many more hours on that table before I will be done but it’s already feeling worth it!